Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Form2 : 2.4 Netiquette

2.4 Netiquette

2.4.1 Explain the meaning of Netiquette.

Netiquette is etiquette on the Internet. Since the Internet changes rapidly, its netiquette does too, but it's still usually based on the Golden Rule. The need for a sense of netiquette arises mostly when sending or distributing e-mail, posting on Usenet groups, or chatting. To some extent, the practice of netiquette depends on understanding how e-mail, the Usenet, chatting, or other aspects of the Internet actually work or are practiced.

2.4.2 List out the Dos and Don’ts while communicating online.

a) Do unto others, as you'd have others do unto you.
Be polite and courteous at all times. Remember that you're not communicating with a computer screen, but with a human being who has thoughts and feelings just like you. So, always think of the person on the receiving end of your messages.

b) Do not TYPE ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis.
IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING. If you need to emphasize a word, use asterisks, like *this* or lines, like _this_.

c) Remember that the written word is hard to interpret.
When you speak to someone, that person can hear the tone of your voice. If they can see you, they can take visual clues from your face and body to better
understand your meaning. All of this is lost in text, and sometimes responses can come across as mean or rude, even when you did not intend them this way. This is the reason some people use emoticons (visual clues) in their e-mails, it saves a lot of confusion.

d) Be careful not to use rude or bad language online.
Many providers will terminate your account.

e) Don't break any laws.
When you're on the net, follow the same rules of behaviour that you would in real life. Remember, if it is against the law in the real world, it is against the law in cyberspace.

f) Be universal.
Other users have different Web browsers, different online services, different e-mail programs etc. So don't, for example, send out e-mail with text formatting -- boldface, italics, indentations, etc. -- because many other programs will not be able to read the formatting and the recipients will receive your e-mail filled with muddled codes.

g) Be brief whenever possible.
No one wants to read through a lot of unnecessary information. If you are replying to an e-mail, try editing out unimportant information and anything that is repeated.

h) Always identify yourself.
If your parents require you to use an online name instead of your real one, that's fine - use your online name consistently. Never send e-mail without including your name at the bottom of the e-mail. Similarly, don't post forum messages without identifying yourself, this is seen as rude.

i) Make a good impression.
Remember that the written word is the only way you can represent yourself online, so spelling and grammar count. If you are going to be writing a large
amount of text for other people to see, make sure you break it up using paragraphs, it will make it easier on the eye for those that will read it.

j) Be patient with newcomers.
Once you have become an Internet expert, it is easy to forget that you started out as a newbie too. Learning the rules of cyberspace is much like learning a new language; it takes practice, and includes making mistakes. So if you come across someone else's mistakes on the net, don't put them down, just politely point them in the right direction for guidance (send them a copy of these rules to get them started on their way!).

2.4.3 Adhere to netiquette in various forms of online communications.

• Listing netiquette items:

o Avoid spamming
• Spam is a term used on the Internet to refer to unsolicited e-mail and Usenet postings. These messages are usually intended to entice the recipient into buying a product or service of some kind or into participating in a get-rich-quick scheme.

o Avoid Flaming
• Abusive or insulting massages sent using the internet.
• Do not send rude or offensive e-mails or postings. It's bad manners and can get seriously out of hand (flame wars). So don't flame others and if you are flamed, do not respond: you will never win. If you are flamed in a forum or chat room, or if you receive hateful e-mail, let your parents or teachers know.

o Use emoticons wisely
Basic Emoticons
:) or :-)
:-/ or :\
:( or :-(
:Q or :-Q
:] or :-]
Really Happy
:S or :-S
At a loss for words
:[ or :-[
Really Sad
:@ or :-@
Shock or screaming
:D or :-D
:O or :-O
"Uh Oh" or "oh no"